
Showing posts from April, 2022

All You Need to Know About Bubble Wraps

What is Bubble Wrap Made Of? Let's get to the real question. If you're asking this, you probably know what bubble wrap is made of: it's a sheet of plastic with air in between two layers that tends to bounce back when pushed. That was enough for generations of mail rooms and shipping departments to ignore its existence altogether. And if you're not interested in anything but the practicality of using bubble wrap for packaging goods, then that's okay! But, if you want to know what makes this packing material so special, we'll tell you why it works so well. Bubble wrap is an unassuming, everyday product that serves a necessary, practical purpose. What I want to talk about today is the packaging of the bubble wrap itself. So when you open a bag of bubble wrap, what do you get? Well, a plastic sheet that's scrunched up and then flattened out. If you look closely through the bubble wrap, you'll see air pockets—tiny little vacuums that allow you to fold the she